Thursday, April 22, 2010

Forwarding Address

Silly me. I forgot to post that I have moved my blog. You can check out what is going on with my project 365 over at

Leave me a comment there and let me know what you think.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Never fear . . .

Okay, so it has been 22 days since my last blog post. I have come to the realization that I need to set a day each week and make my posts the same day each week. So, here I am on Monday night posting :)

So here we go.

So we got a new game with some Christmas money (thanks Jamie and James!) Wii Resort. Here is Emily showing her Robin Hood skills.

We got 2 more Zhu Zhu pets so that Jeremy had some too. These things are crazy to watch run around the house. Better them than really hampsters though.

Here are the finished vases that Emily and I painted on our anniversary.

We had bath night tonight, and Miles had his first bath in the big bath. I didn't get a chance to take a picture with my phone after taking pictures with Emily's camera, so I took a picture of the picture I took instead.

Last week we had homemade pizza at the Stokers, so we have decided to start another tradition this year and have pizza night each Friday night.

We woke up this morning and felt in the mood for McDonalds breakfast.

Here is Jeremy is after eating some candy that turned his tounge green.

This is my view as I drive home. We have a new house being built next to us. We are excited to have Jo Mason moving in next door. It isn't very often you know your neighbors prior to them moving in.

Emily found a new recipe for Peanut Butter noodles. They are so good.

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I go and play basketball at the Stake Center. Here are a few of the guys that come and play.

On my way out the door, Jeremy came running up to me and wanted to show me Turner wearing one of Bryleigh's little doll dresses. That's what happens when you are a boy with an older sister.

Our new tradition of Friday night pizza's. Bryleigh loves helping cook things.

So we got woke up this morning to our security system going off at 3 a.m. saying that Bryleigh's window was open. I ran to her room, and she looked terrified. I asked her what happened, and she said she didn't know. We got the system disarmed and everyone was able to go back to sleep. Later Bryleigh told us she had tried to open the window because she was warm. Hopefully she understands now that we don't open the windows or doors at night.

Jeremy woke up today just absolutly miserable. We ended up taking him to the doctor the next day with an ear infection.

We decided to brave the cold and use the grill tonight and grill teryiaki pork chops. While they took a long time to cook, they were so good.

It's official, Jeremy is potty trained! He finally decided he is ready and in the matter of 2 days he hasn't had an accident.

A couple of Saturday's ago Emily and I reorganized and cleaned our garage. It is nice to be able not be tripping over things any more.

Miles is such a pro at eating, at least when he is not being distracted by his sister and brother.

Bryleigh and Jeremy are huge fans of Guess Who? the board game. Bryleigh could play this for hours.

Miles is now 6 months old, and he is on the move. Bryleigh and Jeremy didn't start scooting around until 7 months and 8 1/2 months respectively. Boy are we in for a ride. He is so cute though!

30 days and we are going strong. We made a goal this year to read the scriptures daily with the kids. While Bryleigh for the most part has paid attention, Jeremy has struggled (I can't blame him). Bryleigh has even colored a bookmark for us to mark our place.

So Miles love watching Bryleigh and Jeremy's Zhu Zhu pets. Tonight the grey one (Num Nums) decided to go under the TV stand before we could catch it (where the black and white one is in the photo). We could hear it running around under there and the next thing we knew, here it came out between the TV stand and the book case. These things are too smart.

 See you next Monday!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 6 - 10

Well, so far so good. Here is my second round of photos for project
365. Enjoy.

Bryleigh turned 5 this year. Here she is dressed up ready for school.

On my way to work there was a beautiful sunrise.

In preparation for Bryleigh's birthday party, Emily wanted to curl Bryleigh's hair for her rockstar outfit. She did not have much fun putting them on.

On the flip side, Bryleigh looked totally rockin! She looks so grown up with her hair like that. She had so much fun at her Birthday party with her friends. Her mom worked so hard and put on a great party.

Bryleigh decided that Miles wanted to express himself through music. She let him borrow her headset to make his performance.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A new year, a new challenge

So my wife has been doing this project the last two year called
project 365. It entails taking a photo each day, and then posting it
on your blog or Facebook. Seeing how the last time I updated my blog
was a very long time ago, I have decided to take her challenge to
compete project 365 this year. Hopefully it will help me record the
start of a new decade.

And to make this even more interesting, this challenge will be
conducted entirely from my iPhone.

So without further ado, here is the first 5 days.

Miles is on the move. He is scooting and spinning on our laminate floors. Just watch out for the puddles of drool.

Here are the kids rocking out to Hannah Montana's Best of Both Worlds.

Emily and I celebrated 6 years of marriage on the 3rd. We had fun going to Hands On in Twin Falls and painting ceramics and eating at Cafe Rio

We are designing a new website for the magazines at work. Here is what Progressive Dairyman's is looking like.

Speaking of work, here is what my office looks like.

I know I said I was going to do this all from my iPhone, but it looks like I will have to come back and put in the photo captions on the computer. All that typing on the little keyboard for nothing.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I have been bad

Yes, I have. The last time I blogged was back in July. I hope with all of my big projects (Temple and Wood Badge) coming to an end that I will have more time to be able to write more. In the mean time I found this really cool widget while working on our Proud to Dairy website.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bobble head

My good friend Kevin made me a bobble head for the baseball season.

Thanks Kevin!

Go make your own here!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Runnin the River

Well last week was so much fun. President Bingham and I took Joseph Carey and Nathan Warren to Eastern Idaho for two days of canoing and a day of whitewater rafting. We left Jerome at 5:30 a.m. on Thursday morning and arrived at Camp Little Lemhi around 9:30 a.m. After checking in the with camp nurse to make sure all our forms were in order (it was great seeing you Becca!) we change into our swimming clothes and headed down to the waterfront for an icy dip in the 53 degree water. BURRRRRRR!

The river wasn't much warmer, but I digress.

After surviving the 100 yards of cold water we ate lunch with the camp staff and then loaded our gear in the van and headed down to the river.

On our first stretch of 10 miles of river we had a very nice float. The most excitement happened right after we put in. There was short stretch of rapids where 3 of the 4 canoes made it through, but our guide ended up swamping and was rescued by our two Scouts. Way to go guys!

We spent the night on an island that had a lot of evidence of beaver activity. It was really cool to see how many trees they had cut down. It gives new appreciation to the term "busy and a beaver".

For dinner we boiled water on the backpacking stoves we had with us and used packaged Alfredo and noodles with packaged chicken. It wasn't half bad.

After dinner President Bingham gave us a spiritual thought. He asked each of us to help the group get to know us better. After sharing some things about ourselves, each person in the group (there were 5 of us total) would share something positive we knew about the person, or that we had learned that day. Afterward President Bingham shared a scripture out of Alma in the Book of Mormon about the seed. He brought out a bag of Acorn seeds that were from the Boise Temple grounds and had made into necklaces. He compared these Acorns to our testimonies, and that once planted, our testimonies needed to be shared to help the seeds grow.

We woke up the next morning, ate breakfast and broke camp. Our new guide joined us (the second guide from the previous day had gone back to the Scout camp) and we were off.

I don't think we were on the river for more than an hour when we encountered another set of rapids. This time President Bingham and I were not so fortunate. We ended up rolling our canoe to the left and all hands abandoned ship. I am telling you that river is COLD! Nathan and Joseph both said you should have seen the look on my face and I went into the water.

We were soon rescued and back in the canoe shivering. It wasn't before long before we were back at it. We covered 30 more miles on Friday. It was beautiful country. 10 miles of those 30 were protected habitat for Bald Eagles. We saw several of them flying around.

Just before lunch President Bingham and I decided to take another plunge in the river going through another set of rapids. The water wasn't any warmer the second time. In fact I couldn't stop shaking all through lunch. The last 15 miles were pretty uneventful (mostly because we would hook all 4 canoes together so we were more stable going through the rapids). The last piece of excitment was right at the boat ramp where we were to take the canoes out. Our guide Ben was right in front of us and as we tried to turn into the boat ramp we cliped the back of his canoe and sent both of our canoes into a willow tree. Luckily no one got hurt.

We spent the evening back at the camp shooting guns at the rifle range and watching the closing campfire for that weeks session of camp. Afterward we held our own little campfire at our camp where President Bingham shared another thought with us about activity in the church. He used the embers of our campfire to show how each ember helps each other burn. But as one ember moves away from the others, its heat diminishes and the fire goes out. He also showed how once the ember returned to the fire it began to glow and burn bright once more.

On Saturday morning we got up, ate breakfast and broke our camp. We headed up to near Hoback junction in Wyoming to meet the Lewis and Clark Outfitters to run the upper part of the Snake River. Boy was that water moving, about 18,000 cubic feet per second. I guess the close the river to rafting at 24,000. We covered 8 1/2 miles of river in just under an hour. That was so much fun. The best part of the whole ride was going over lunch counter. The swells were probably around 15 feet high. There were 3 boats in our group and we were in the middle boat. As the first boat entered the white water it disappeared from site and then came back headed up the huge swell and went over to the next one. What a ride!

I am grateful that we were all able to return home safely and that the boys had such a great experience. I know that those type of activities is what I remember from being a Boy Scout, and I am happy I could share those with Nathan and Joseph before we move out of the ward. I also really enjoyed getting to know President Bingham better. He is a great man and I really appreciated the spirit he brought to the trip. It was a fabulous time!

To see all of the photos from the trip click here.